Develop a Relaxing Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep from a Overnight Postpartum Doula

Aug 27, 2024
newborn baby with mother

Bringing a newborn into your life is an incredible journey—filled with joy, love, and, let’s be honest, a lot of sleepless nights. If you’re feeling like sleep is just a distant memory, you're not alone. But don't worry; with a few simple steps and some guidance from overnight postpartum doulas, you can start getting the rest you need to take on each new day with your little one.


  1. Create a Cozy Sleep Space


First things first—let’s talk about your sleep environment. You want your bedroom to be a sanctuary of calm. Keep it cool, dark, and quiet. If outside light or noise is an issue, try blackout curtains or a white noise machine. Small adjustments like these can make a big difference in helping both you and your baby sleep more soundly.


  1. Establish a Relaxing Pre-Bedtime Routine


Consistency is key when it comes to winding down for the night.  The key is to be prepared to get in bed for the night soon after settling down your newborn. Start by dimming the lights about an hour before bed to help your body naturally get ready for sleep. If you want to take it a step further, try using amber light bulbs or amber nightlights instead of regular ones. Amber light is less disruptive to melatonin production, the hormone that helps you fall asleep, so it’s perfect for setting a sleepy-time mood without throwing off your body’s natural rhythms.


There are some great nursery products out there that combine amber lighting with white noise to create a soothing environment. For instance, the "Hatch Rest+" and the "Yogasleep Hush" are popular choices. Both offer amber lighting and built-in white noise, making them perfect for your baby’s room (and a lifesaver for getting everyone to sleep).


Incorporating some soothing activities, like taking a warm bath, doing light stretches, or enjoying a good book, can also help you ease into sleep. A gentle massage before bed can work wonders too, helping to release tension and get your body in the mood for rest. Some people also find that a warm cup of chamomile tea or a few drops of lavender essential oil on a cotton round next to their pillow can help them unwind. These little rituals can be a great addition to your bedtime routine.


  1. Catch Some Z’s During the Day


One of the best pieces of advice you'll hear—probably from every new parent out there—is to nap when your baby naps, especially in the morning. Instead of reaching for that cup of coffee right away, hold off and slip back into bed for an extra hour while your baby is asleep. That extra sleep can do more for your energy levels than a quick caffeine fix ever could. Trust me, catching up on sleep first is a game-changer.


  1. Tag-Team Nighttime Duties


If possible, share nighttime responsibilities with your partner or get some help from an overnight postpartum doula. Taking turns with feedings and diaper changes means you both get a stretch of uninterrupted sleep, which is crucial for keeping your energy up. When I support parents overnight, for instance, the mother will often pump breastmilk before going to bed so I can handle one of the nighttime feedings with a bottle. This gives the mother a longer stretch of sleep, which can make all the difference in how rested and refreshed she feels the next day. It’s all about teamwork!


  1. Dial Down Screen Time and Caffeine


We all know how tempting it is to scroll through your phone before bed, but it’s better to put the screens away. The blue light from your devices and late-night caffeine can really mess with your sleep. Instead, try something more soothing, like journaling or listening to calming music.


  1. Try Mindful Breathing, Meditation, and Prayer


When your mind is racing at bedtime, mindful breathing, meditation, or even saying a prayer can help you quiet those thoughts. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to relax. Here’s an easy one: Inhale deeply for four counts, hold for four, then exhale for four. Repeat a few times and feel the tension melt away. Adding a prayer into this routine can add a comforting layer of peace as you prepare to drift off.


  1. Accept Help and Make Self-Care a Priority


You don’t have to do it all alone. Accepting help from friends and family can be a lifesaver. Whether they pitch in with meals, chores, or watching the baby for a bit, it frees you up to catch some well-deserved rest. And don’t forget about self-care. Even light exercise, eating well, and finding a few moments for yourself each day can make a big difference in how you feel—and how well you sleep.


  1. Lean on Your Overnight Postpartum Doula


Feeling overwhelmed? That’s where an overnight postpartum doula can really come in handy. They’re there to help you set up a good bedtime routine for you and your baby, share tips for getting better sleep, and just be a reassuring presence during those early months. With their support and their extensive knowledge about newborn behavior,  you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever the night—and the day—throws at you.


With these tips in your back pocket and the support of a postpartum doula, you'll be on your way to getting better sleep and feeling more refreshed, even with a newborn. You’ve got this—sweet dreams!


Co-Author: Cindy Lelea is a certified Postpartum Doula through DONA International and a mother of five grown children. She absolutely loves helping families develop self-sufficiency skills to nurture and care for their infants. She owns Welcome Baby Postpartum Care in Hawthorne, California.